Improve Onsite Service Delivery At Remote Customer Locations. Improve Scheduling.
Increase Logistics Efficiency.


If your service delivery team is struggling to communicate with the office when they’re on-site with a client, Dynamics 365 Field Service is the software you need to improve your efficiency. The software uses automated workflows and scheduling algorithms to improve your delivery of services to remote customers. Won’t your customers be happier when your field teams respond faster and are more proactive in their service delivery? Microsoft Field Service is the one application you need to deliver the highest quality response to your remote customer demands.


Dynamics 365 field service mobile app is the tool your technicians need to communicate what’s happening at a customer site in real-time. The front-end benefits are increased customer responsiveness and improved service delivery. On the back end, your sales team will know which clients are unhappy – or ready for an upsell – before they walk in the door.

This intuitive software empowers field teams to work smarter and make better decisions. The in-office hub allows for better scheduling and smoother logistics. You’ll see bottom-line improvements, like faster response times, smarter workload distribution, and more proactive maintenance. Remote monitoring of customer sites through the Dynamics 365 Field Service automation hub will improve your customer satisfaction rate. Look for these innovations to occur:

  • Increase your ratio of first-time on-site break fixes. Smart data analytics will allow you to spot equipment failure trends and respond proactively and promptly to service calls. This helps avoid equipment downtime by providing your clients with proactive maintenance.

  • Detect and fix service issues remotely with the use of Internet of Things (IoT) enabled monitoring devices. Reduce fleet wear and tear and increase mileage by reducing unnecessary travel.

  • Better manage follow-up and discover more opportunities to up-sell. The Dynamics 365 Field Service Mobile app can work with other Microsoft tools to alert sales teams to cross-sell or other revenue-generating opportunities.

  • Improve the efficiency of your field team by completing service calls faster. Increase the volume of service calls by an individual technician and improve your overhead costs.

  • Better organize the logistics of your field response and improve the customer experience. Keep real-time geo-location data on the status of your field team. Communicate a more accurate arrival time to your customers. Easily see problem areas where a customer resolution is past due.

  • Improve the knowledge and responsiveness of even your newest field techs. Microsoft Field Service tracks account and equipment history so your field technician has an accurate understanding of the client’s background.


  • Manufacturers want to remotely monitor their products, improve maintenance, and lessen break fixes.

  • Utility companies can improve their responsiveness when customers are left without power.

  • Healthcare workers can use the Dynamics 365 Field Service mobile app to communicate quickly with other clinicians with providing in-home care.

  • Facilities managers can respond faster and coordinate multiple simultaneous tenant issues from one intuitive hub.

The Dynamics 365 Field Service mobile app is the tool that will reduce frustration and enable the work of your remote field teams. But the true ROI of the application lies in more satisfied customers who appreciate your efficient and prompt response to their needs.


You owe it to your team to take a test drive of the innovative Dynamics 365 Field Service software. You owe it to yourself to build a partnership with DynamixSys. We support your efforts to work smarter and build more revenue for your organization by improving your Microsoft software deployments.

DynamixSys offers our clients full support of their Microsoft products from building a business case to implementation and maintenance.

We have the experience you seek to ensure implementation success. To find out why we’re the best in the industry at supporting Microsoft’s professional tools, contact us.